Monday, 26 November 2018

P2: Final Short Story Concept

Final Short Story Concept

I have decided to create the short film EMDR with the aim of creating a psychological thriller aims at women age 15-21. Girls and women of this age will likely be drawn to this short film as they can relate the leader character, a teenage girl walking home from her friends house and having a dispute with her parents. This will reinforce the viewers personal values and identity. As well as this, the vulnerability of the young girl is a theme that all women and girls can relate to and this short film with have a high impact due to the sense of reality and fear that this could happen to them. Not only this, but it may influence young female viewers to be self aware and careful by having a realisation of their vulnerability.
Additionally, female viewers are likely to watch EMDR as a means of escapism as films and books which cause a wider field of thinking that wouldn't otherwise have mean explored are likely to engage them. The thrilling aspects will cause pleasure from not only the adrenaline, but the ability to return to their everyday life with knowledge that they are safe and not in the position of the main character.

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