Thursday, 7 February 2019

Unit 3 - P3: Pre-Production

Pre Production




Grace (casual)
The same costume will be worn throughout but the clothing will be dirty in the final scene.
-A hoodie

The Therapist (smart/casual)
The same costume will be worn throughout.
-A blazer/smart jacket
-Smart trousers/skirt

The kidnapper (casual)
The same costume will be worn throughout.
-Old T-shirt
-Black gloves (only in scene 2)


Scene 1 and 3
Paper and Notepads
A photo frame with the Therapist and her child
A name tag with 'Lisa' on it

Scene 2
A phone
Black gloves

Scene 5


Scene 1,3,4 and 5
Medical Room in Ilkley Grammar

Therapist's Office and the small,
unfurnished room which Grace wakes up in.

Scene 2
Wells Road

Health and Safety:

Gantt Chart:

To ensure all tasks are completed before the deadlines, i have overestimated all of the activities to allow myself enough to time in case of an unforeseen circumstance.

Production Schedule:

Call Sheet: 

1 comment:

  1. Looks great, Sophie - Well done.
    - your production log hasn't been uploaded - it needs to be done this week please and should show evaluation of how un/successful it was, not just what you did.
    - Mise-en-Scene should reference conventions of the genre and how you are creating meaning.
    - Still no actor consent forms
