Monday, 8 October 2018

P1: Analysing Short Films

A Social Life
By Keith Lemon, 2016
A Social Life is a drama with a linear narrative which addresses the themes of social media depression. The message tackles the issue of people lying on social media to make their life out to seem better than it really is leaving viewers feeling underwhelmed with the events in their own life. The short film urges people not to strive to be or live like those you follow on social media as most of what can be seem is likely fake.
The camera is on a tripod for the majority of the short film and even when hand held, it remains steady. Along with this, establishing shots introduce new locations in the house, followed by medium close ups of the character so the viewer can understand her emotions based on her expressions and actions. Similarly, close ups are used to highlight objects that the character is rearranging in order to take good photos for social media.
Special effects are used as images appear on the screen to mirror what the character can see on her phone screen. This helps the viewer understand what the character is looking at and how she is influenced by it. Additionally, cuts are used to transition between shots and a fade out transition can be seen when the character turns of the lights to go to bed.
The on screen action is minimalistic including one character with a simple and basic acting skills. The short film isn't depend on her acting which is important as directors of short films may have a limited choice of actors that meet the characteristic they envisioned. Similarly, the short film entails no dialogue which leads allocations to be more significant including the act of taking pictures of things she isn't actually doing and obsessing over her phone.
Sound effects are used to create sounds such as the character taking pictures and turning her phone on and off to meet the context of whats going on on screen. As well as this,  midway through, fast paced, sad music begins to play which increases the tense tone of the short film but by the end, brighter and inspiring music begins to play as the character puts her phone down and goes downstairs.

tEXt is a horror short story with a linear narrative which is based around the plot to scheme a roommate and the murder cheats on her boyfriend. This short story is for entertainment rather than hiding a deeper message.
The camera is hand held for the majority of the short film and pans across the action on screen so the viewer feels they can see everything going on and makes the experience for realistic. As well as this, the unsteady camera creates an uneasy feeling for the viewer. Furthermore, slanted angles are used which puts the viewer on edge as it’s unfamiliar. Other shots used are close ups which creates tension as the viewer can understand the fear that the character is feeling as well as being unable to see what she is seeing, building suspense.
Mise En Scene
Within the short film there are two on screen characters and another one that is referenced and never actually seen. Referencing bigger things is a common technique in short films as they don’t have the budget to create huge concepts but by referring to them, the viewer believe and understands something that isn’t on screen. Additionally, the short film includes no speech and one location and this simplicity is due to the minimalistic budget of short films but can still be used effectively.
Special effects are used such as messages appearing on screen so the viewer understands the messages that the girl is receiving and why she would react with such fear. Slow paced cuts are also used to transition between shots. The slow pace builds tension and the viewer is anticipating what will happen next.
Sound effects are used such as text tones, the ringtone of the phone and the sound of the phone turning on. The exaggerated volume break the silence from the lack of speech and allow the viewer to understand the fears that comes with the silence. Although the girl is silent, the short film has suspenseful music in the background which builds in volume and pace as she walks into a room to build more tension.

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