Monday, 1 October 2018

Unit 1: Marketing -Digital and Traditional

Marketing Films
Attack The Block

The marketing process for the film Attack The Block was both digital and traditional in order to ensure it captured the attention of the target audience.
Digital Advertising
Attack The Block was marketed through a website that was created specifically to promote the film which is an example of above the line advertising as it is isn't aimed at a specific type of person. The website included an overview of the film, a behind the scenes look at the cast and crew, exclusive photos and video along with a blog which not only promoted the film, but also promoted other films the producer had worked on. This is strategic and clever as the target audience will likely enjoy similar films to Attack The Block, such as Shaun Of The Dead, so the advertising of this film is more likely to lead to the viewer watching this other film. A game computer game directly related to the game can be found on the website to attract younger viewers, its target audience, whilst also bringing attention to the film that is being promoted. As well as this, the website includes links to iTunes where viewers can buy the soundtrack to the film. This is another source of income and is likely to be purchased by big fans of the film.Similarly, viewers can download the film from iTunes, which is linked from the website, which not only makes it easier for the viewer to watch and therefore will lead to more purchases, but also means the amount of purchases made via the website can be tracked.This is extremely useful as it means the success of the websites promotional use can be assessed.
As well as this, Attack The Block was advertised on YouTube by releasing a trailer. YouTube, once logged in, is an example of below the line advertising as products are promoted to the user on a one-to-one basic. This means only products that the viewer would enjoy and purchase are promoted to them , making the marketing of the film more successful that advertising to people who wouldn't be interested. On top of this, reviews can be publicly contributed and read by viewers due to the Web 2.0 which allows them to get an all round honest review. Due to this, Attack The Block's good reviews created even more success with people commenting 'Best movie EVER'. However, negative feedback is also listed publicly on Youtube and can be read just as easily resulting in a lack of success if reviews are negative.
Similarly to this, social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter are created to promote Attack The Block which quickly gained attraction and a large following. Social media can view what users usually look at and seem to enjoy and then recommend pages, such as Attack The Block, accordingly. This is another example of below-the-line advertising as possible customers are targeted directly which leads to greater success.
Traditional Advertising
More traditional styles of adverting were also used the promote Attack The Film. This includes over-the-line means of advertising such as posters and magazines. The posters can be placed in specific locations that the target audience are likely to see them and adverts can be placed in specific magazines that the target audience are likely to buy and read such as Empire Magazine.
Another example is to create Attack The Block merchandise for fans to buy and wear. As well as generating a larger income from sales, fans will attract attention to the film whilst wearing the merchandise and will act as a walking advert for the film.
As well as this, the target audience of Attack The Block will also likely enjoy comics and therefore Comic Con. By attending events such as this, the film is promoted to a specific type of person that will enjoy the film.

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