Monday, 25 February 2019

Unit 3 - P4: Reviewing Practice Footage

Before filming, I took tried filming some test footage to get used to using the Nikon 3300 camera.

After uploading and looking back over the footage, I realised the exposure was too high as I set the apiture too high.

Similarly, I used auto focus and realised that the footage was blurry or focusing on the wrong thing. Due to this, I began practicing manual focus which allowed me to ensure i could control what the camera focused on.

I began to manually focus from on thing to another. In the clip below I focus wheel in order to focus from the walls to the actor.

I practice a more close up after the and found that this was easier to get a clear image from. After this, i tried a tracking shot and discovered that when using autofocus during tracking it become blurry so in my short film i will use manual and alter the focus wheel.

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