Monday, 4 March 2019

Unit 3 - P4: Reviewing Footage

Reviewing footage:



Out Of Focus:

Continuity issues (no name card) 

 Continuity Corrected:

 Under Exposed:

Out Of Focus:


After the filming process, I reviewed the footage to remove shots that couldn't be used in the final film in order to ease the editing process. Some shots were too out of focus due to the tracking nature of the shot. However, I filmed these shots many times to ensure i could cut them together and have the short film be in focus. Similarly, some shots were over exposed and these were deleted whilst the repetition of filming allowed me to use another version which was correctly exposed.  Overall, the filming of scene 3 was highly successful.

Out of focus:

Actor looked at camera:

Out of Focus:

In Focus Close Up:

In Focus Close Up:

Over Exposed Long Shot:

Correctly Exposed Long Shot:


During the filming of scene 4, some of the shots became out of focus so these section of the footage would have to be removed and replaced with the same shots from other angles which i took.

Slightly Out of Focus:

 In Focus

Slightly Out of Focus:

 In Focus:


Out Of Focus:

In Focus:

 In Focus:

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