Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Unit 3: M4 - How the film meets the brief

The brief states that our film should:
  • be a "Short Narrative Film" that runs for a "Maximum of 15 minutes". MY film runs for 09:17:02. It follows the story of a young female going through a therapy known as EMDR which triggers past memories in small doses. She must undergo this therapy to identify who her kidnapper is. However, by the end, the viewer will discover that the therapy sessions are all in her end as she never escapes the kidnapper's capture.
  • it should be able to be entered for an "Independent Directions Film Festival", be made in a "maximum group size of three" and be of a "recognisable film genre". My film was made independently with no support from any production company. It is a short "Psychological Thriller" film. 
  • all content must be made by those in the group.  This is true, including the soundtrack which was created by Alex Vanzomerplaag, aside from sound effects which were sourced from Final Cut Pro X and Garage band. 
  • The target audience for my film is young females, 15-21. My film is suitable for this audience as they'll be able to relate to the vulnerability of the young girl and take a message or perhaps wanting away from it. 
  • The final video is in mp4 format in h.264, this makes it suitable for uploading to the internet and viewable across most video playback devices. This format also makes it suitable to be edited into promotional material that could be shared on social media. The final film was exported in Full 1080P HD meaning it would be suitable to play at a festival on a larger screen and still appear to be good quality.

Conforming to a recognisable genre:

Codes and Conventions:

  • We included the titles during the opening scene which is a convention of the drama genre but also saves time as it is only a short film.
  • We used low key lighting and neutral tones to portray and gritty, bleak and realistic nature.
  • Close-ups on characters to portray emotion and reactions to events.
  • We included props for example pens, post it notes and paper in the Therapist’s office as they add to the realism of the events that are taking place.
  • The main character, Grace, is very typical of a real life young individual and can easily be related to. Her costume resembled that of an average teenager girl, ripped jeans, trainers and a plain top. The clothes worn by the Therapist are smart but to too formal in order to appear professional but also approachable, typical of a Therapist. The kidnapper wore a  cap, worn out jeans and a hoodie in the first scene so he 
  • After Grace has been kidnapped in the room, he can be seen wearing a black trench coat and his cap isn’t being worn to ensure his scar is visible. The dark colours and scar represent him as a classic villain and make him instantly feared by the viewers.
  • The setting is also realistic. For the Therapy office, i filmed in the school media room as it has a similar, comforting feeling to it. The small room Grace is taken when she’s kidnapped is a storage room so it’s unfurnished and uncarpeted with an unsettling feel to it. 
  • There is a form of realisation at the end of the film in more than one way. The parents and friends realise that they should of done more to pay attention and help the protagonist when she most needed it. This is a powerful ending  also has a lasting effect on the audience as they realise that drugs can have fatal consequences and not only affect the taker but the significant individuals in their lives.
  • The film involves intense individual shots and dialogue which is captured primarily through the use of close up shots and fast paced editing. This is a important convention of the Psychological Thriller genre.
  • The purpose of the film is to cause the audience fear and create an emotional response towards the kidnapping of the leading character, Grace. This is achieved in the twist ending which is further enhanced by use of tense music as well as eerie sound effects . This is a typical convention used in many Psychological Thriller films as it leaves a lasting powerful effect on the audience.

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