Monday, 9 March 2020

Video Advert


After filming the actor in front of a wall, i transferred all the video clips from the SD card onto a MAC and onto Google Docs (as a backup in case anything unexpected occurred so the footage wasn't lost). I saved the clips into a folder i named 'video rushes' into my media folder and created a new library called 'Duplicity TV AD' on Final Cut Pro X following this. 

Here i created a new project for the TV advert and imported all of the clips. As well as this, i imported the voice over which i had previously recorded and audio music which i downloaded from a royalty and copyright free source online. Although, if BBC3 were to make this campaign, the creator of this audio would be contacted in order to gain permission for use on such a wide scale or different audio could be created with a similar tense tone. Similarly, i imported stock footage from and some stock footage of Youtube which was available to use. Once again, if the trailer were to be used by BBC3, the creator would have to be contacted or BBC's own collection of pre-existing stock footage could be used.  Allow the stock footage includes an image of a gun, there is no violent images but the idea is alluded to, this means the TV ad could be played before watershed in order to reach a larger target audience. However, the nod to violence may still mean it can only be broadcast after 9pm. Either way, the brief is met as the target audience is older, 15-33 but the viewership could be limited so a version without the gun could be created.

After laying the clips together and adding all the audio, i cut the clips effectively to match the tense speed of the music in order to make a more dramatic tone. I used simple cut transitions to cross cut between the stock footage and the actor as it created a faster pace of editing to increase the tension. I manipulated the voice over in order to make it fit the music and make each phrase most impactful. I cut the the background music in order to included the tense ending of the music and fade in this sound in order to make the transition seamless.  At the end of the trailer, i cut the voice over to create a tense break, building up to the final line 'he's my twin'. This final audio leaves the viewer with a deeper understanding about the series' content. Similarly, the background music cuts out at this point to create a dramatic ending, as to meet the convention of the drama. After this, the DUPLICITY logo fades in in order to establish the ident of the tv series and create a recognisable image that the audience is likely to remember, leading to a higher viewership.

After researching other BBC 3 trailers, i came across one which established the TV channel by starting the trailer with 'BBC3 presents...' (including the logo). I decided to take inspiration from this and included this in the start of my TV Advert.

I first created a black screen before the first shot to enable me to add a fade transition to make it look more profession and smooth. 

From here, i added the logo and used the 'keying tool' to remove the black background in order to make the logo appear both in front of the black screen and in front of the first few seconds of the actor to make the advert flow better. I added a directional fade transition at the end of the logo to have a less abrupt disappearance but a simple fade transition from black to the video as it looked more professional and sleek. I used text which gradually faded out in time with the logo and used bold text to match the DUPLICITY logo at the end and a white colour to make it easier to read about the black background, increasing viewers likelihood to engage with the advert and increase its success.

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