Attack The Block fits the action genre as it contains many of the relevant conventions such as the main concept which is good vs evil, in this case, Moses vs the alien and black vs white such as Moses vs the police. Throughout the film there are many killings such as the murder of the aliens and Hi-hat and weapons are used such as water guns which both fit the genre. The film contains establishing shots but there is fast paced editing and tracking during the chase scene when Moses is running from the aliens and police. During tense moments, there are close up shots so the characters' facial expression and emotions can be portrayed to the audience. As well as this, sinister, up beat music is used to further build suspense. A common convention of the action genre is explosions and chaos and during this film, an alien crashes and breaks through a window to kill Hi-hat and at the beginning, an alien crashes into a car. Similarly, Sam is portrayed as a victim at the start of the film but through the chain of events, she becomes the 'princess' who the protagonist, Moses, saves and this is another convention of this genre.
Some common conventions of Sci-Fi is the use of special effects which can be seen throughout Attack The Block. For example, the aliens which is also an example of the extra terrestrial life invasion which are viewed as the villain whilst humans, although presented as vulnerable,are willing to fight back. Similarly, another common convention is a male hero and a female character who needs protecting and in this case, Moses is the hero and Sam is the character in need of protection. A tint of blue can be seen throughout the film which is often illustrated in this genre of film.
Some common conventions of Sci-Fi is the use of special effects which can be seen throughout Attack The Block. For example, the aliens which is also an example of the extra terrestrial life invasion which are viewed as the villain whilst humans, although presented as vulnerable,are willing to fight back. Similarly, another common convention is a male hero and a female character who needs protecting and in this case, Moses is the hero and Sam is the character in need of protection. A tint of blue can be seen throughout the film which is often illustrated in this genre of film.
Horror films are often set in a small community, isolated or urban places and dark streets and Attack The Block meets these conventions as it is set as night, to create darkness and there aren't many people around which gives a sense of isolation and the small council estate acts as a community. This genre tends to include a hand held camera to create a more realistic and, therefore, more terrifying feel to the film which can be seen when the gang attack Sam at the opening of the film. The music often build in volume to add suspense and dietetic sounds are exaggerated which creates tension and jump scares. There is usually a hero , Moses in Attack The Block, and the idea of good vs evil which can be seen in the dispute against the alien Hi-hat.
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