Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Unit 1: Hypodermic Syringe Model

Passive Audience Theory
When an audience member watches a film and simply stares at the screen, not involving themselves but all the while they are unable to reject the media messages being sent. This makes the audience vulnerable to the negative effects of the media productions consumed and can give rise to 'copy cat' effects if the audience copy what they see.

Cultivation Theory
This suggests that over time, repetitive viewing of violent acts allows certain ideas and values to becomes normalised. Repeating viewing of violent images may makes audiences become immune to negative representation and desensitised. When audience's see a violent act on Film now, they are less shocked by it today that they would have been in the 1960s. As a response, the media injects new and more shocking images to us.

Moral Panic - The academic and social debate as to whether media has a negative impact on the audience members.

Media effects debate -

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